Thursday, March 29, 2012

Extra Credit Post

Even though the books you are reading took place hundreds of years ago, many of the characters have personality traits that are timeless. The world they live in is different than the world you live in, but they often act just like people today act. Choose one of the characters in your book. If that character lived today, would they have been your friend? What would you have liked or disliked about their personality?
As always, write at least three sentences!

Monday, March 19, 2012

What about Bear?/What about Catherine?

We have spent most of our discussions describing Crispin. Now describe Bear. Points to condsider;
-Why does he behave the way he does?
-Do you think he cares for Crispin as a son?
-Is he trustworthy? How can you tell?

As always, write at least three sentences!


On March 22, Catherine talks about feeling trapped by her life. Do you think boys felt the same way in that time period? Does Perkin have opportunities that Catherine doesn't? Did his lower status in life make him feel he was trapped as well? How can you tell?

These will be due on Wednesday, March 21

Friday, March 9, 2012


Tell me what page you are on. Then, think about a character in your book and how they have changed since the beginning of the story. Describe the changes and tell me what you think caused the changes. Do you think this character will continue changing throughout the story? As always, this must be at least 3 sentences long!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The best part of the book so far...

I know each of you are in different places in the book you are reading. Think back on what you have read so far. In your opinion, what is the best part of the book? Write at least three sentences describing what is the best part and what makes it so good. This will be due on Friday. If you do not write three sentences, I will not accept it and you will have to do it again!!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Read on....

If you are one of the first five students in your class to reply to this post, you will receive 2 tickets for the class drawing next week!

When people are confronted by a difficult situation, we respond in different ways. How does the main character of your book (Crispin or Catherine) respond to a difficult situation? Do they try to avoid it, meet it head on, a little of both, or something entirely different? Think back on what you have read so far and write at least three sentences that describe how Crispin or Catherine face their troubles.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Am I like the character in the book?

When reading a book, it is fun to identify with the characters and it adds deeper meaning to the story when you can. Think about the main character of the book you are reading, Crispin or Catherine. Write at least three sentences discussing some similarities and differences you share with the character. Do not say there isn't anything to compare!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In response to your reply...

Take a few minutes and read some of the replies your classmates have added to the blog. Find one and respond to it with at least 3 sentences. You may choose to agree with what your classmate said, challenge it, question it or just discuss it. Start your reply with your name, and then the name of the person to whom you are replying, Example: MRS. BLANTON to BOBBY STUDENT    Keep your replies in academic language, and respectful!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Thinking about the book

For this blog post, I would like you to tell me what page you are on in the book. Then tell me one detail or event that has surprised you and one detail or event that you had predicted might happen. Do not say 'nothing surprised me' or 'I didn't make any predictions! Remember to write at least 3 sentences and proof read what you wrote before you post it. Please read at least 15 minutes in this book each day. Thank you!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Getting into the story...

Now that you have previewed your book, read to at least page 13 in Crispin and page 12 in Catherine, Called Birdy. In your own words, describe what their life is like. What parts of life seems good and what parts seem strange or unhappy? Write about 3 sentences. This is due by Thursday, February 16.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Initial posting-February 6

Preview the book Crispin by looking at the front cover, reading the back cover and reading the first page of Chapter 1. Then make a prediction as to what you think this book will be about.